Thursday, 16 May 2013

Another great TED talk we could do with more of

I can't remember when I found, but it's always great to find a kindred spirit, someone who shares the importance of your beliefs.

I've been looking at ways to integrate this mode of learning into my classes, particularly with the younger years as this lends itself so well to teamworking opportunities, developing problem solving intelligence, independent learning, literacy and oracy.

I was very excited to experiment with similar ideals and chose a lesson when I was due to be observed by a highly successful colleague to conduct the trial (it's call risk-taking for a reason, right?!). I'll admit, it worked but not quite to the expectations I had built up in my head for this activity- I still needed to offer a bit of support to the students (Yr 7: 11-12 year olds), but damn did it get them thinking!

It certainly took longer than if I had lead the activity myself from the front, but the benefits to the social and teamworking aspects of lessons went far beyond what any quantifiable data could reflect. I'll blog more on the activity I used and how I evolved the teaching and learning, later.

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